Our Census Focus

Did you know that the census in 2023 will impact us all? Our Geography and Sustainability classes have been looking at the future of our community and the challenges that come with intensification (more homes on the same amount of land). Government, councils, iwi, community groups use data to make decisions and plans that affect us all. By taking part in the census next year, we can all help create a better understanding of our community and what it needs. One of our major challenges in Māngere, Ōtāhuhu and Favona is lack of green space or green space that is not as usable because it is tapu or facilities such as Ambury Farm occupy it. With increased intensification of our area will we have enough space to enjoy an easy game of tag or whānau picnic in the future? This is something we have been exploring thanks to support from Stats New Zealand. Do you have any thoughts? Keep an eye out for our Census Week in Week 9 of Term 3! - Jerry and Michael 2SUS/2GEO

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