Senior Kororareka Russell Camp

In Term 3 this year 2SUS and 2GEO went on a camp to Kororāreka Russell to work with an organisation called Project Island Song. Our main mission was to look at the work that the group was doing in restoring the environment to pre-tiriti o Waitangi days. While we went on our camp to Kororāreka Russell we visited one of New Zealand's first capital Okiatu, we also visited one of the places where the Ngāpuhi chief Hone Heke chopped down the flagpole several times , the first time Hone Heke chopped down the flagstaff was 1846 this made the british mad so they built another flagstaff but Hone Heke continued to protest. Being at the site of where Hone Heke cut down the flag staff felt special because we went to the place where history all started for ‘New Zealand’ and how the Treaty of Waitangi was not honoured. Thank you to Ms. Gasologa, Mr. Macleod and Mr. Ras for giving up their time to take us there - Antonio and the 2SUS/2GEO group.

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