P-TECH (Pathways in Technology)

P-TECH (Pathways in Technology) is a high school/early tertiary program focusing on developing digital skills and job-ready students. It is a partnership between business, high school and tertiary education. The pathway is five years focusing on NCEA Digital Technologies at high school and an Advanced Diploma in tertiary. P-TECH links students’ learning to the world of work and entry level roles. Apart from technical learning, students also gain opportunities to build work-ready skills, like communication, problem-solving, resilience, self-management and working in teams. This program is aimed at giving students opportunities to engage with the world of work so that they can successfully navigate their career pathway. This opportunity is currently available to our Year 11 students who will continue being involved for the next two years.  We will be offering the same opportunity to our year 11 students in 2023.

We are very excited at the opportunities that this involvement will create for our students, their families and the Mangere community.

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